Btidlebrook Park Tennis Club

2023 Season Elected Executives

General Information

Every club needs leaders who can work with and motivate others to move the club forward. Electing these club officers is a critical aspect of a club's success; those in leadership roles should make it a point to actively identify other members with leadership potential and encourage them to serve. .

A quorum: a majority of the active members is needed to conduct club business, including electing officers. Members must be in good standing to vote online. The votes includes spouse votes as well.

Positions after the first meeting

During the first meeting, Bahram Pezeshki was announced as President for scoring the highest votes. Tony transferred his votes to Micheal as Tony as head coach was not entitled to hold any executive position. George Brown Jr. was voted to be the vice president. Luke Chiue and Viorel Vilcan were assigned to be advisors. Dana Bas was assigned as Junior program organizor. Lionel Eli declined to attend the first meeting and did not respond to numerous emails, his application had issues, the application was not initiated by him, nor the payment. .

Name of New Executive Member votes together with spouse
Bahram Pezeshki 16
Michael Polishchuk 14
George Brown 4 2
Viorel Vilcan 2
Dana Bas 2
Luke Chiu 2