Bridlebrook Park and Alamosa Neighbourhood

Turtle Watch

For the fourth year in a row, we have had a Common Snapping Turtle come out of the East Don River, dig a nest, and lay eggs.

This year near the Alamosa Tennis Courts close to last years site.  This is not on or near the public path.  But still visible to the public. 

I am letting you know, since you might get enquiries.  My name and contact information are on the cage.  Let me know if this interferes with any of you and your plans.  I would like to keep the cage for the next one and can remove it.

I also know there is construction or restoration work planned for the pond and oil pipe erosion area south of this location.  And that somewhere around the tennis courts there was going to be a staging area for the equipment.  Please do not drive over this nest or place anything on it.

The last few years the turtle hatchlings have hatched in late September.  There are a lot of interested residence who will be helping us keep an eye on the cage and waiting for the hatchlings.  I will remove the cage right after the hatchings.

In the past the city and parks department have been of great service to us.  And when needed traffic barrels and fencing was provided.  I hope we can count on your support if needed again.

There was a second turtle trying to dig a nest right beside the path and was having a hard time.  She was also scared by several people stopping to take photos and close enough for selfies.  We educated a few while we were there.  Any other education you can provide would also be greatly appreciated.